Christopher Croft

Commercial & Regulatory Solicitor

Christopher Croft

Commercial & Regulatory Solicitor


Chris is a senior commercial and regulatory lawyer with experience both as general counsel and as a partner in a city law firm. He specialises in the financial services sector and advises PRA and FCA-regulated businesses including banks and deposit takers. He has worked with both investment banks and retail businesses. He has advised on and managed projects implementing regulatory changes such as operational resilience and Consumer duty.



1976 – Admitted as a Solicitor in England & Wales.


Employment History

  • 2022+ | Solicitor in private practice
    specialising in commercial and regulatory matters
  • 2014 to 2022 | Director and Secretary of Building
    Society General Counsel | Head of Compliance


LLB Unversity College London



Chris built a highly successful practice as a Corporate lawyer in financial services before joining a client and forming part of the team that floated one of the first dotcoms on the FTSE. He then moved on to a successful role as a director of a rapidly expanding PRA and FCA-regulated business in which he increased his knowledge of the financial services market from both a legal regulatory and practical perspective.